ACE is a mobility solutions provider that turns mobility challenges into growth opportunities and enhanced customer experiences.
Our approach addresses the needs of today while preparing for the future. It’s smart parking, curb management, rideshare partnerships, traffic flow, pedestrian safety, mass transit integration, shared scooters and bikes, and data-driven operating strategies.
Since 1950, ACE has continually evolved and adapted to changing technology and industry trends. Our ability to innovate and provide customized solutions provides long-term partnership with optimal financial outcomes. Trust the experts. Call ACE first.

Case Studies
Some of the projects ACE has consulted on include:

Oceanwide Center
San Francisco
376 parking spaces, 90% valet, lifts and ceiling hangers. The project included over 1.35 million sq. ft. of office space, a Waldorf Astoria luxury hotel and 650,000 sq. ft. of residential units. ACE served as an Operational Consultant, providing an operational plan for the garage, hotel and residential valet services, a valet parking ingress/egress plan, and created expense projections for the Operational Valet Plan.

Protea Waterfront Development
San Diego
A $1.2B proposal, the development plan includes three hotels with 1,077 rooms, more than 388,000 sq. ft. of retail and restaurant space, 19,100 sq. ft. of office space, and two attractions (the 480-foot “Spire” observation tower and a 178,500 sq. ft. OdySea Aquarium). A 65,200 sq. ft. charter high school focused on marine biology and shipping logistics and a “Lifelong Learning Center” (operated by the University of San Diego) will occupy four stories above retail shops. ACE worked on the parking design review, revenue expense projections, traffic flow and space utilization plans for this expansive project.

Menlo Gateway
Menlo Park
Menlo Gateway is a mixed-use commercial and hotel campus located in Menlo Park, California that consists of three eight-story buildings. ACE has been in partnership with Bohannon Companies since the development stage, assisting in the planning and design of the 1,650-stall complex. ACE has consulted on revenue and expense projections, method of operation, maximum space utilization for each tenant, PARCS equipment selection and efficient control of traffic flow for the project.